Question from Michael about BlockChain

Hubert Senters here. Got a question from Michael. Your videos tend to be trade related. Do you have a recommendation regarding how to invest in blockchain technology? Yes. But heads up, blockchain is super sketchy. If you’re going to do. It depends if you’re going to do blockchain and invest in a company that just as watching technology. Or if you’re actually going to trade companies like Bitcoin, Ether, Zcash. Now, I’ll tell you I’ve had one of my biggest with my largest percentage return which is a 70,000 percent return on a company that we were angel investors in called Zcash and then we got issued coins and we were able to sell them. And you wuld either have. I think it was either a $25,000 or $70,000 exit. So there’s different ways like you’re going to be an angel investor. I would pick companies that were doing Blockchain technology once I would stay away from our companies that used to be in e-commerce retail. And they decided like we’re going to get them blockchain. That almost never works and you’re going to lose money in that situation unless you’re just slipping it. Now, as far as trading cryptos I’m currently long some Bitcoin. I’m currently long some ETH, Zcash so. I would focus on the top five or top ten. If you go too much further out of the top five or ten we call them shit coins just because there’s not going to be that mean that’s going to make it. It’s just like anything else. There’s Uber and there’s Lyft. There’s Facebook and Google. And there’s not going to be 4,000 different cryptos. There’s going to be 5 or 10 that make it the top 3 you’re going to get all the play. So that’s why we call anything out of the top 5 or ten crap coins or shit coins just because they’re never going to make it. I would play with the top 5 and then if you were interested you could always be an angel investor in companies like that. You just have to know that their moon shines. In majority of cases they can go to zero and all you need is one of your bets to pay off and the other 9 could go bankrupt per say because you make more money on that one than you were on the losses of those that are 9. That’s how the angel investing game works. As far as Blockchain you could do that. There are some companies and some ETF or you could do some Bitcoin and stuff right now. Right now, it’s speculative so you just got to be careful. I know one of my ETH accounts. I mean it’s doubled in I think less than three days so it’s nice. It’s not going to last. And it’s super volatile and sketchy so you just have to be careful. I would risk no more than 10 percent of your net worth on that stuff than really you should probably did less but that’s what Mark keep on recommend so he kind of know what he’s doing so you can go on his recommendation on them. And just be careful. There’s all kinds of sketchy stuff when you’re doing cryptos so just be careful on cryptos. It is the wild west ladies and gentlemen and so just be careful. Mark Helweg is doing a special webinar on ”How to Access the Ultimate Inside Info for the NYSE: And it’s 100% Legal!” I can vouch for that. I use this indicator every single day. It’s a market internal. THE NYSE tick I use it on intraday trades. You can use it for swings too if you get a nice little position there. His webinar is going to be Tuesday, January 5th at 8PM EST. Good luck. Hope it helps. See you on the next video. Hubert.  

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