When Will the ES and YM Settle Down?

Hubert Senters here. When Will the ES and YM Settle Down? And if you don’t trade futures that’s the S&P futures and the Dow futures. Mike probably after the election if I was guessing I was a betting person which I am but I don’t like picking crazy gamble or guess. I like to take a calculated risk. But most of this is cause from one or two, three things. The covid situation still ramping so that’s messing with the markets and then also we’re right amdist the earnings so you’re going to have all kinds of crazy up and down moves. That’s not helping me. And then you also have the presidential election so. Usually the market hates uncertainty. If we knew we have the same person in office right now for the next three years then the market wouldn’t have as hard time trying to figure out what’s doing. But volatility is usually your friend so be careful what you ask for. If you want to calm down then there’s not going to be any range. It’s going to be harder for us to go in there and make money. You want some wild ranges and some volatility that enables you to get in there amongst that chaos and the wider the volatility in my opinion it makes it easier for you to try to potentially make some money. If there’s no volatility so slow and you’re like man it’s not moving and it gets really boring. But anyway, that is my position. Let’s go over and take a look at the S&P really quick and the Dow. So yesterday, they got smoked to the down side. And then today follow through. They kind of just rebound a little bit so. They got smoked yesterday, bounced up. Nice little tight range today. Same thing with the Dow. It got smoked yesterday. It expanded to the downside to the ES too. Yeah. The ES expanded to the downside to this. It’s not a good thing. And why I’m expanded it to the downside to a little bit wider range there on the body of the candle. But overall you can see that this lagging line. If this lagging line closes below the cloud and you can get three bars below here this thing might get smoked really bad to the downside but election is on Tuesday. Hopefully we’ll know who the president is one or two days after that obviously. And then the market will settle down a little bit. Figure out a direction and trend that direction. I’m doing a special webinar tonight with a good friend of mine Kamal Ravikant on new rollings funds. If you don’t know what rolling funds is it is a new instrument that you can invest in for potential rolling wealth. And we’ll describe all of it on tonight’s webinar at 7PM EST. I will HYPERLINK you to the registration page. Good luck. Hope it helps. See you on the next video. Hubert.

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