I’m not a big believer in conspiracy theories.
I think we humans make things harder than they really need to be.
And the fact of the matter is, we do a great job of messing up things all by ourselves.
Without the help of market makers and specialists.
Let’s face it, most market makers and specialists really don’t care about us at all ailing care about what were the they’re just trying to get in there get theirs and get out.
But there does seem to be some built in traps into the markets that praying on the psychology of unknowing or unexperienced traders.
In this short video we take a quick look at some of the trading traps that are out there to seduce you into entering and exiting at the worst possible time.
Remember to leave a comment below.
Good luck hope it helps.

Thank you Hubert, your videos are great
hi hubert
just want you to know , your contributions (most are free) to traders; are very much appreciated. have been yours and john’s admirer and ms b for about a decade now. keep up your good work. about a decade ago, i used to be able to call you up frequently after mkt closed and talked about trades of the day. a remarkable personal success story indeed. congrats.
Dr Naka
Yeah hard to believe it has been over 10 yrs.
Time flies when you are having fun I guess.
Thank you for sticking sticking around.
PS: Feel Free to call me sometime. Im still just a normal guy.