I broke a rule today Hubert, of not taking profits @ 50% gap fill, ended up getting stopped out for a loss. The bad part was I diddled back and forth as to which target I should use for the gap in the NQ, it was really small range < 4.5 handles. My plan says not to take gaps that small but I just woke up and saw the trade, but the Gold Rush and Sneak Attack in 5's paid off. 🙂
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I broke a rule today Hubert, of not taking profits @ 50% gap fill, ended up getting stopped out for a loss. The bad part was I diddled back and forth as to which target I should use for the gap in the NQ, it was really small range < 4.5 handles. My plan says not to take gaps that small but I just woke up and saw the trade, but the Gold Rush and Sneak Attack in 5's paid off. 🙂