The Rule of 3

Hubert Senters here.

Let’s take a look at the 30 year bond again because it was active on Friday for at least half a day while the rest of the other stuff was closed.

So one thing I’m going to point out to you is don’t do something more than three times in a row. It’s just a bad idea. I’m not saying never do it.

But the overall rule but the rule of thumb is if it takes you three times to recognize it’s a pattern. Heads up, you’re not the only one the planet does not recognize it. And I don’t want you to be the one left holding the bag so let me walk you through this.

So I’m just going to use my special little lines here, my indicator, my retrace lines to show you the 8 tick reversal how well it worked on Friday mornings market.

If I hold down my control left click, simple, easy and also fun. So it would have you an entry here risking a $156 to potentially make a $1,000.

The market closed early today so you’re not going to get as much run so what you do is you take your $700 and then you close the position so there’s a successful entry and also I would say three quarters of a target.

So I’m going to remove that. That’s one example. Here’s the second example. You have a second shot to enter it. Stop loss here didn’t get tag also pretty decent profit in it. That’s number two.

Here’s number three entry. Stop is really going to depend on whether you’re really the first enter the first out there.

For the most part 98 percent of people would not got a stop in there because usually it has a trade through $156.10 and then also you get about three quarters of your target.

Now, don’t do the fourth one. And really after the second one you should be really cautious because you won’t be the only person in the world that goes oh, look at there, that pattern is repeating.

I’m going to bedoing a live webinar Saturday morning at 10AM EST. How to Make $1,000 or More Risking Only $156.25. If you want to come heads up there is over $2,000.

Some people are already registered. GotoWebinar only holds a thousand. Try to get in there early. Click REGISTER MY SPOT NOW and then first name, email and if you want me to send you a general reminder at about 9AM to get in there and 9:45 I’ll do that.

Good luck. Hope it helps. See you on the next video.


1 Comment

  1. Michael

    Hubert please please start a Swingers Club to swing trade all futures inc main indecis, financial, commodities and currencies.


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