Are Cryptos Dead?

Hubert Senters here. Let’s take a look at CoinMarketCap which is a website that you can use to find some decent cryptos to invest in or trade in so you just go over to CoinMarketCap and here you can see a list of the top 100 crypto currencies by market cap capitalization. Easy for me to say. And you can scroll down here and you can see them. You can still see some pretty good present moves like Maker there 7.9 percent. You can also filter by the ones that moved the biggest percentage change in the 24 hours. Right there. Not only that but that those are pretty good gains for any type of market so wax 12.5 percent owning 12 cents in price. MOAC 10 percent move. Dropil 7.37. Maker 7.7 so there’s still plenty of opportunities and cryptos. Now, if you’re like how the heck when I trade a WAX? What is a WAX? It’s just another cryptocurrency. It’s not bitcoin. The kind of the business opportunity and the investment opportunity in Bitcoin. You may have missed that one but there’s still tons of them. There’s still probably only going to be 10 or 12 to actually make it but it’s still the wild west out there in cryptos still tons of opportunity so all you do is just click on WAX and then what you can do is you can figure out where it’s trading that so you could go markets here and that will tell you the exchanges that will actually. So Bitrex, Upbit, don’t know how to pronounce that. Bithumb. And that’s where it’s at. They’re going to tell you how much volume they have in each one of them. The cool thing about it is a lot of these different cryptos will trade on a lot of different exchanges which have other advantages and disadvantages to that if you don’t know how to take advantage of that so don’t think it is the death of cryptos. They are still alive and well and kicking. You just got to know where to look find the right opportunities. Good luck. Hope it helps. And I’ll see you on the next video. Hubert.

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