Hubert Senters here.
Let’s take a look at WBA which is Walgreens Boot Alliance. It got a two step buy signal. Two step buy signal is just a two day buy signal.
As you can see one day above the cloud. It would’ve been aggressive. The cool thing about it see how this white line. This white line is called the lagging line.
It lags price. Any kind you can get a one day buy signal and lagging line is already crossing with you. That’s a good sign because that thing usually lags price by 26 days.
That is a strong move for this stock which implies that it can potentially go quite a bit higher. So let’s see where we think it kind of come to a decent resting point on the upside.
So if we go from the most recent high right back here around October last year and then the dead lows here it could potentially rally from $42.35 all the way up into the area of $49 to $52.
Mark Helweg is hosting a special webinar on ”The Simple Way to Trade These Complex Market Conditions” Tuesday, November 10th at 8PM EST. I will HYPERLINK you to the registration page.
This is what he’s going to be talking about. Register for the webinar. Make sure you show up.
Good luck. Hope it helps. See you on the next video.