Hubert Senters here.
Let’s take a look at the markets. In particular, we’re going to take a look at ticker symbol V stands for Visa. It has a nice little uptrend. The ADX is a little low. It’s not perfect but right now you’re going to take what you can get in this market because markets are a little crazy.
It’s more of a stock picker’s market as opposed to spray and pray pick anything and it goes higher. Those days are no longer with us. They may actually come back but they’re not here now. So Visa looks pretty good. It’s done a touch and go or a kiss trade. Let’s see if we can get a more accurate target for future price projections.
So we’re going to go one, two, three. We’re going to do that low, high, higher low. Next target $244, $247 and $249. Now, if you trade equities or options or stocks you know that earnings can potentially be some of the most profitable trade you can take if you know how to properly do it.
There’s usually two camps either you’re going to buy it before earnings or play after earnings. And Dan has got a really good system that he helps people make more money during earning season. I’m going to HYPERLINK you over to this webinar How Earnings Trade Can Be Your Most Profitable Trade. Webinar is going to take place Wednesday, July 14th at 7PM. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER and that will opt you into the registration system.
Good luck. Hope it helps. See you on the next video.