TWTR First Target Hit, What is Next?

Hubert Senters here.

A little update on Twitter. It’s working to the high side. ADX is about to cross over to $20. Right now, it’s $18.92.

It had three days above the cloud. Our original target was $65.14 and you have to got in on the day before yesterday or the day before yesterday.

Either yesterday or day before. Today, probably get into a slightly little late but it’s not a problem if you’re target is higher for next levels around $71.84 and then taking out its high at $90.

You’ll be just fine so make sure you use a stop loss so it has it our first target. Next target is going to be $68 and then after that like I said it’s going to be an area of $72-ish.

And then after that we’re talking you know $77 to 78-ish so you still got time. Overall, it looks pretty good. Technically it’s pretty solid and the lagging line is about to cross over.

Trade Thirsty is doing a multispeaker event this Saturday. I will be kicking it off starting at 9AM and I’m going to be talking about The Best Free Indicator in the World: My Secret Weapon for Finding Better Trades.

Here are the other speakers Serge, Silas, Mark and then we’ve got Brian and then we’ve got Troy and then we have John.

I’m going to HYPERLINK you to the registration page. You can click there and see what you will get. It’s Saturday, June 26th at 9AM EST and CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.

Good luck. Hope it helps. See you on the next video.


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