Hubert Senters here.
Let’s take a look at a new market. So this new product there’s a 30 year yield so you should be looking the lower left hand in the screen.
So it is the 30YQ21. That’s the 30 year yield. That’s the 30 year bond. The 10 year is a lot thicker.
Notice that this one has 13 contracts and this one has $14,967. I want to trade them just because I like trading anything and everything that’s out there.
And this was a new product and I’m like I trade a lot of bonds and notes. Let me try trading the yield curve and see how it works.
And this is a micro or a mini yield product. They call it the micro 10 year so you can see. I’m going to show you how this works really quick.
So on this one a $1,251.252. That’s one tick. it’s a dollar. So it’s going to be way better to trade this. And this is going to be like a demo or a paper trading.
Now, trading a demo or a paper trading account is good to get you acquainted with how the operations of the software works. To make sure that you know how things work. And so that you don’t mess things up.
And then after that I will go up to this next step. It’s the next best thing to trading, the bigger contracts.
Now, you’re not going to make as much money because of the way that it trades because every tick is a dollar as opposed to.
Then you can kind of graduate or earn the right to trade the bigger contracts like the 10 year note here.
On this example right here this is the 10 year note. I’m up $1,156 on it. I’m trying to swing trade this. I’m going to try to hold it a little bit longer.
Or like this potential day trade that we put on today on the 30 year bond. Up a thousand dollars and it only took this morning until tonight. Today, it hit them.
Most of that was already locked in by about 10:30 or 10:45 during the day. So it’s an evening contract. It’s not for everybody obviously because it’s bonds and notes and yield curve and stuff like that.
But if you believe that the interest rates are going to rise the bonds are going to roll over. So if you believe that and you know that to be true.
I believe that and I believe that to be true. And then you should be shorting bonds and notes or you should be long the yield curve so let me show you how you do that.
So on the 30 year you want to be short. On the 10 year you want to be short. But on the yield you want to be long.
I know it sounds confusing it’s not that hard to do. I’m going to now see if you are willing to come to the live webinar that I’m going to be doing tomorrow which is about The Mother Of All Bubbles.
I think we’re a bubble in the bond market. I think we’re on a bubble in the stock market too. And I am setting my self up for that.
Now, I am not a skies following type of guy. I believe in the US economy. I think it’s going to go over the next year.
Next 10 years I think it’s going to go dramatically higher. We’re going to have some jaggy little retracements in there.
That could be anywhere from 13 to 30 percent. Now, I want to be ready for those. I’m going to show you how. I’m going to be ready for those and now I’m going to take advantage of those my plan.
If you want to come to the webinar first name, email address, mobile phone. If you give me your mobile phone I will send you an audio alerts and a text message.
If you want to opt out of those when I call you in the phone hit zero. When I text you just hit reply back and say stop.
Good luck. Hope it helps. See you in the next video.