These Are Still Making Large Moves

Hubert Senters here. Let’s take a look at what’s going on here in the markets so this is Bitcoin. This is the U.S. dollar versus Bitcoin as you can see it had a nice little run up to $8600 and now down, up, down and now it’s just kind of chopping in sideways. There are more opportunities still in the crypto space. It’s not just Bitcoin and Ethern, Litecoin and all that stuff. There’s all kinds of different crypto. So one of the things you can do this is my Coinigy account. I’m going to walk you through. I’m going to click on apps and then I’m going to ArbMatrix which is just an arbitrage trade. And then I’m going to filter them based upon the differences and then there you go. Look at there. You could make $9.45 if you were to buy on this exchange, GMNI, Gemini versus like so you’d buy here and sell here. So simultaneously you’d have to go real quick or as quick as possible as you can do it so that you don’t have execution errors in the settlement. Prices aren’t that different. And then you could make. Like I said $9.45. It’s not too bad right. Now, there are other ones on the down side here. If you did them would be the negative are but that and that’s down here down minus point 8.6, right. So there are still all kinds. It’s kind of like the Wild West of like forex used to be. There’s still tons of different ways that you can make potential large gains in the crypto markets if you know what you’re doing. So don’t worry about it calling not going to for $40,000. Like a lot of people think it’s going to by the end of December. I still don’t think it’s going to do that. I love how people say it’s going to rally to $40,000. Nobody knows where it’s going to go. Nobody knows what the winners in the crypto space are going to be. There’s still so much competition. And if you think about it, it’s the kind of like the stock market. There’s only so many Googles. There’s only so many Facebooks. There’s only so many Amazons, right. You’re going to have some industry leaders then you’re going to have first, second and third and then after third place kind of falls off. So there’s definitely going to be some winners in this. There’s going to be a lot of losers. But in the timeframe that it’s going to take place that there’s going to be a lot of opportunities for you to one make money and number two lose money if you do it wrong. So continue on your journey and keep focusing on where there are opportunities for you to potential make some profit. I’ve been asked to be one of the speakers at the Wealth365 Summit which is going to be all about trading and investing. They’re going to focus on the election and earnings for this summit. All trading and investing October 8th through October 13th. All you have to do is go here and register. I will lead you to the page first name, email address and click CLAIM YOUR FREE SEAT NOW. Good luck. Hope it helps. And I’ll see you on the next video. Hubert.

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