PKG Stock Does Not Care

1 Comment

  1. Bill P

    Hello Hubert and Staff, Just discovered that my Bond Trading Bootcamp has expired. It has been a great experience to be taught by Hubert. I think I am just now finally getting the hang of what is being taught. It has been a struggle at times and I had almost drained my trading account by a combination of bad luck and not trusting the system. But now, I am more confident that I can make this work.
    I am in a trade on the 2year right now that I started last Tuesday morning with Hubert and it is almost at $1000! I couldn’t have done it without the class.
    As Hubert says,” It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.”
    Thanks again and I will let you know if I earn my $1000.00 Badge!
    From one Redneck southern boy to another, Thanks Hubert!

    Bill P


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