Hubert Senters here.
It’s very important that when you are trading to first find a trending market that has some volatility when you may not like volatility. Very easy for me to say, I like volatility.
But you do need a trend if you’re going to stay in the trade for more of a couple of seconds. So this example I’m showing you CBOE, Chicago Board Options Exchange and as you can see it’s in a massive uptrend.
And as long as this is green here that means I need to be long. And then these little blue dots mean get long and the little red dots mean I can take some profit and then I got trail and stop-loss here, a close one and then a mid-one. So the most recent buy signal here and this one after I have decided for some time that the CBOE trade is a very good trending trade and I want to get long.
All I have to wait for is this little blue dot right here. You’re long right there. And then as soon as it goes up I can then trail and must stop with the trail and stop-loss. If I see a red one I can sell half of my position and steal trail to stop so it makes it really easy.
So when you are looking at markets it is very important to first figure out trending markets that are either trending up or trending down the sideways ones, just leave them along.
Mark Helweg and I are going to be doing special webinar, “The Simple Hedge Fund Strategy,” Friday, January 26th 12pm Eastern, 9am Pacific. And we’re going to walk you through how hedge funds trade how to fund trends and how to exploit them. I will hyperlink you to this page.
Go to webinar:
It only holds 1000 people so if you’re interested. Show up and try logging in early.
Good luck. Hope it helps.
See you on the next video.