IR Stock New Price Targets

1 Comment

  1. Steve Yetman

    Hi Hubert, hope you are well and away from any storm action in your region!

    Hoping to be able to log in for FED Wednesday…have filled MANY requests but NO LINK has showed up for a few days. Tring to be present on a cellphone, lost computer and a lot more here in what’s left of one of my homes, this one was in Paradise California, burnt to the ground along with all of my neighbors.

    When Im down like this, hearing “your” voice….something that “sooths the savage beast” or excited trader..well it really helps…always has!!

    Hope to hear you tomorrow, however you taught me the “POWER OF THE CLOUD” years ago…so it WILL be all good…Patience Steve!!!

    Thanks again and you know you have a great team…a HUGE hidden value within your system!!

    Steve Yetman


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