FTNT Sling Shot Trade with Targets

Hubert Senters here.

Let’s take a look at Fortinet. Unless you’re in something Fortinet that has just going up. The stock market has gotten harder to trade in the past few months.

You know that because you can’t just throw a dart and hope that your stuff just goes up because now you have to be a good stock or equity picker or future picker or option picker.

You got to have some skills now ladies and gentlemen in order to do this. Now, usually that is what happens preceding a bubble pop.

If you’ve never traded a bubble pop they can be quite volatile. They can be profitable if you get short or you can hedge your portfolio or you can to go to cash.

But in my opinion we are setting up one of the biggest bubbles of all times. So I like to do webinars around that to warn people so that they can either tighten up their stop loss, go to cash of they can start shorten stuff.

I’m going to be doing a webinar this week but if you’re still just trying to get the gains and the alpha from stuff that goes up and take a look at Fortinet.

It had a massive move. As you can see it’s above the cloud way back here. Nice little signal back there.

And it has been flirting with a turning line, standard line, turning line, standard line. When it does this stuff we call this slingshot trade where it pulls below the turning line which is the yellow line.

Touches or penetrates below the purple which is called the standard line and then closes back up above the yellow line.

So below the yellow and the purple and back above the yellow again so below those two and back above those two. Slingshot to higher profits.

Now, where it’s going to go? Nobody knows. It’s all a guess. But we can make an educated guess by using some magic called Fibonaccis.

So can’t use that. That will be low, high, low. Got to get these lows so I’m going to have to go low, high, low.

Reason I couldn’t use that one is because that low is lower than that high and that will work. You have to have a low, a high and higher low.

So next target $290, $306 and $315. And then what I’m going to throw on here is your ability to register for the webinar where I will share with you how I myself identify bubbles and how I like to trade them.

It’s called The Mother Of All Bubbles. Webinar will be live Wednesday, August 4th at 7PM EST. First name. Your primary email address. So I can remind you about the webinar.

And a mobile phone is optional. If you want me to send you I’ll record to audio alerts and two text alerts.

And it will just give you two to three reminders like hey, you signed up for this webinar. Here’s a general friendly reminder to show up.

If you’re anything like me you got a lot of stuff going on and you forget stuff you signed up for so that’s why I do that.

Good luck. Hope it helps. See you on the next video.


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