Hubert Senters here.
Now, obviously, you don’t hear a whole lot of people talking about crypto currencies anymore. Ever since there were supposed to go to $40,000, right. And I mean when we were telling people you need to get some education learn how trade these bad boys. They could go to $40,000 or they could go to zero. And it’s probably going to be something in between.
It’s almost always something in between. But anyway, the crypto craze is nowhere near being done. I mean there’s almost all of the angel investing that’s being done in Silicon Valley is being done in a crypto based pop structure or in that type of business. So here’s what I mean if you just go here and click over I’m just at coin market cap so there.
And that’s a pretty good return for a day, 42 percent, 34 percent, 14 percent, 11 percent. Now, obviously they’re not all positive and there’s a lot of negative here too. Here’s the negatives too but they’re right there. If you’re just following some of the more exotic cryptos there is still stuff left out there.
There are good opportunities and there are bad opportunities. Now, if you go over to the market cap you can see that Bitcoin. It’s only up two percent ether. And using you start going down to the top 25 it starts losing its lackluster appeal. But look there still are five percent. There’s one percent, one percent in a day that stout if you can get day in and day out, ether up 3.5 percent.
So if you still don’t know how to trade cryptos I would recommend that you learn how to trade them. They will become a mainstay in the trading and investing culture over time. Who knows which ones are going to make it? They’re probably going to be you know four or five really big ones that make it and all the rest of them will kind of just dwindle away. But that’s okay. You still have a huge opportunity to potentially trade some of the more exotic and the mainstream ones once they stabilize.
I’ve been asked to speak at the Wealth365 summit on October 8th to October 13th. I’m going to walking you through how to live scan the markets and how to find better trained trades both on the up or down direction so all you have to put in your first name, your e-mail address and click CLAIM here to register for your free seat.
Good luck. Hope it helps. And I’ll see you on the next video.