Hubert Senters here.
Hopefully you are making money as you are trading and you are focusing on trend trading as opposed to Intra-Day Scalping.
Intra-Day Scalping, although a lot of us do it, it is harder than swing trading or trend trading because Tom’s not your friend. Everything happens super quick and you got to really be accurate and you should make split decisions every three seconds or less than three seconds so very important.
If you are trend trading or swing trading have something that’s going to help you take the judgment call out. Should you long or should you be short. Not totally out of your hands but help you make a better mind in selling decision.
So in this example here I’ve got an indicator on here and we’re looking at Chipotle. So we’re looking at salmonella. So salmonella is trading down here in this red channel which means OK I need to focus on the short side then it goes green, OK now I need to focus on the long side and then down red and now up.
So, even though Chipotle is one of the biggest net losers today you can see here I’m looking for a buy signal because I’m in a green channel and I’m looking for it to pullback and give me a blue dot. This is the most recent buy signal here. On Chipotle is around $290 and now right up in here trailing stop-loss. So I’m looking to add to the position. If I was not already in it I would wait for a pullback and then a blue dot and then some green channel, I want to be long on blue dots.
So here’s an example. This would be a buy and that would be a sell but that’s a bad example because it’s in a transition because it went from red to green. So this is the first one so buy, no sell signal yet and I’m looking for another buy signal.
Mark Helweg and I are going to be doing a special webinar on “The Simple Hedge Funds Strategy”. It’s going to take place Friday, January 26th, 12pm Eastern. We are going to teach you a lot of stuff about how hedge funds work and how they fund their trades how they trend trade and the systems that they use in order to do that.
I will hyperlink you to the page just click “CLAIM MY SPOT NOW”
Good luck. Hope it helps. See you on the next video.