Hubert Senters here.
Let’s take a look at Boeing. I did a video on this a few days ago and we were talking about doing a bracket trade after earnings. And as you can see here is the bracket $392.14 or $380.84. Now, if you’re doing a trade above and this is the difference this is why you got to make sure that you’ve got a plan going into these things as opposed to after because you’ll just perform better.
If you did a trade above $392.14. You would have a fill there. Now, if you’re doing it a trade above or a close above is what we’re talking about here. I got tongue tied. This is a trade above on this bar right here. I’m going to put an arrow there. That’s a trade above that line. This is a close above.
Now, that’s going to make your entry slightly different so a trade above would be $392.14 and just one tick above that so $392.115 and you’d be in. In this case scenario a close above you’d be long at $397 either one. They’re both profitable right now as long as you’re still in the trade and you’ve got a decent stop-loss that you’re comfortable with. Next target will be $410.
I’m going to be doing a special webinar this week on ‘’How to Make $6,281.25 in 10 days without risking more than $312.50.” It’s happening on Wednesday, February 6th at 8PM EST. Click that big YELLOW BUTTON to register for the webinar.
Good luck. Hope it helps. And I’ll see you on the next video.