AMD Changed in Real Time

Hubert Senters here.

In yesterday’s video I showed you a video on AMD on how I plan to buy the pullback and in some cases it will change real time so it went up.

It did change on me real time so this is the daily chart. I still like it. And I thought that the 60-minute was going to work its way towards the cloud down here. It didn’t.

The actual 10-minute right here has worked its way. It gap down and is now working its way above the cloud so.

If I get a 10-minute buy signal here on AMD around like $116 so that would be a good buy too so the pullback was minor.

And it looks like the expansion to the high side. It’s going to be a little bit better trade so sometimes it won’t go all the way to the cloud.

And that’s why I like anywhere from 50 percent on the 60-minute cloud. And you see this crossing right here when you get the yellow and the purple crossing.

And anytime you get the price action it goes between the yellow and the purple or below the purple between the cloud.

Sometimes it will bounce like this on you. And you won’t be able to get your $110 entry. You can see that was $110.62 but I needed to come down just a little bit more to get the actual $110.

And it didn’t so then I’m like I miss this thing. Now, I have to pursue a little bit so instead of buying it at $110 I’ve had to buy it like $112.

Or if I miss $112 then I’m going to have to buy it at $116. But AMD is strong it continues really good. I don’t think it can go wrong either buying a pullback or a breakout with AMD the way it’s acting.

I’m going to be doing The Mother Of All Bubbles webinar presentation live Saturday, August 7th at 10AM.

I pull this webinar out of the archives only when I think that the market is tapping. It has the potential to roll over in the near term future.

If you’re concern about that because now the market is harder to trade And now it caused a billion dollars to buy an SUV and 10 billion dollars to buy a home.

And you know inflation is going to be on the rise. Heads up, the FED they change their opinion of what inflations do.

It is no longer transitory but might stick around a little bit longer. If you print off 4 Brazilian dollars worth of FREE money inflation might rise a little bit on you.

So I’m going to be doing that webinar Saturday, August 7th at 10AM EST. You know how to fill out a registration form.

Good luck. Hope it helps. See you on the next video.





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