AFL Selling Off Pretty Hard

Hubert Senters here. Let’s take a look at Aflac, AFL is the symbol. You can see in the background here, AFL and it had a massive sell off today. If you are long I would recommend that you tighten up your stop. You may want to sell the bag on thing because that’s a nasty little sell off. This would be the first day of an aggressive sell signal because it looks like it’s going to close below the cloud that may or may not. We still have to let the market close. I am doing this video at 12:15 around noon. So we still got several hours before the market needs to close. But if it does close below the cloud here that will be the first official sell signal even though it’s an aggressive sell signal so. If you are long Aflac, AFL, tighten up your stop or at least pay attention to what it’s doing. Good luck. Hope this helps. I’ll see you on the next video. Hubert.

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