Hubert Senters here.
Let’s take a look at Apple gapping up. Obviously today closed higher. We’re in the right of the middle bunch of stuff so pay attention to it. We’re going to need a new target because it has surpassed most of all our recent targets so I’m going to come in here and do a little Fibonacci magic.
So I’m going to do a real close because it’s going to be easy to low, high, higher low. You could also go low, high, higher low or we can do both. Let’s see if we have a little bit of confluent and it’s just a fancy way of saying if stock on top of each other.
Let’s see if there’s any stocks here. One. Two. Three. So $150, $153 and $155. Let’s do another one right here and let’s see what happens. This area is here low, higher low. Got a little confluent area here so the $150 is going to be solid, the $153 and the $155, $156. So you do have quite a bit of overlap so that just gives you a little bit more confidence that they may actually hit that number.
Dan Passarelli is going to be doing a special webinar Wednesday, July 14th at 7PM. How Earnings Trading Can Be Your Most Profitable Trade. Click that big orange button right there. You know how to register for a webinar.
Good luck. Hope it helps. See you on the next video.