NIO Long Setup with Targets

NIO Long Setup with Targets

Hubert Senters here. Some people have been asking me to cover some more inexpensive trades in other words cheaper stocks and equities and stuff like that. I’ll probably won’t care cover a ton of penny stocks. There’s ton of other people that are...
AQB Could Go Higher

AQB Could Go Higher

Hubert Senters here. I’ve been getting some questions from some people for me to cover some cheaper equities. I don’t usually cover anything less than $5 because it’s considered a penny stock. And sometimes they can be e liquid. But if you guys are...
Dow Long Setup with Targets

Dow Long Setup with Targets

Hubert Senters here. Let’s take a look at Dow the actual stock not the actual futures contract. Let’s take a look at the actual Dow stock, DOW. It’s above the cloud. It’s acting well. A lot of the markets are little crazy, little touching go...