TSCO Boring but Could be Profitable Trade

Hubert Senters here. Let’s take a look at boring but potentially profitable. So I’m taking a look at here at Tractor Supply company and you can see that’s in a nice little valid uptrend and it has been for a while now. And it looks pretty predictable right up, pull back up and it’s breaking away. You got a potential bracket trade that you might be able to make some profit on. I don’t know if I would do it tomorrow. But maybe first thing Monday because tomorrow is Friday and you don’t want to just initiate in a trade first thing Friday. You might be able to. You might get lucky if you don’t have cushion. In other words if you don’t have a profit in a trade when you initiated on Friday. I wouldn’t sleep with it over the weekend. I would wait until Monday then do the trade. But anyway, let’s go to the bracket. Potential long above $191.52 with a target of about $210. Potential short with a trade or a close below $184.43. Target on that I want to be relatively tight around $179. I did a live webinar last night on how to potentially make a $1,000 or more risking only $156. Unfortunately, we had a lot of people registered for that webinar and we locked out a lot of people. So GotoWebinar gets to a thousand people. It will allow about another 25 to 50 people to come in and then it just locks it out so nobody else can come in. So I’m going to do another webinar tonight. I believe it’s at 8PM so 8PM tonight on how to potentially make $1,000 or more risking only $156.25. Click the big orange button with the white letters on it to register yourself. First name, email and mobile phone number. I’ll send you a voice memo an hour and then 15 minutes before or a text message an hour or 15 minutes before because if you’re anything like me you just sign up for all kinds of stuff and you forget. That’s the deal. Good luck. Hope it helps. See you on the next video. Hubert.

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