How to Pick a Side to Trade

Hubert Senters here. Let’s take a look at the bond market so I still like the short side but you can countertrend trade these Intraday if you use a framework that you don’t get tied to the position on the high side. And here’s what I mean by that so. When I’m looking at bonds — so this is a 30-year bond you can see it’s in a pretty good downtrend and it bounced up today but I want to stay committed to my downside plays my short sides. But also Intraday I want to play this up bounce or some hedging. I am hedging my bet. So let’s go over and I’ll show you how to do that. So what I do is I condense it in on the sneak attack trade so this morning, we do a trade from $720 to $820. $820 we do it here we either go long or short and then down here you can see a green, a red and a red. So it’s just like a traffic like saying all right. So I am going to zoom this out so you can see it. It’s just a series of dots. In the top timeframe is a 10-minute Ichimoku. The middle is a 60-minute and the bottom is a daily. Obviously, the smaller timeframe smaller dot, medium timeframe, medium dot, larger timeframe, larger dot. Now and I condense is this is going to make it look like it’s a solid line but it’s not. So I’ve got a long here and I know longer term and my mid-term timeframes are telling me like ‘’hey you should still be short’’ but my smaller timeframes like ‘’well I want go on, OK I can be long but I’m going to go for target one, target two or target three.’’ I’m not going to hold the thing over not so in this example there’s a long, there’s a stop, target one, target two and then target three. And as you can see it went on a little bit further than target three and then it started pulling back here and now just trading kind of sideways. So that’s how on bonds you can trade both directions but you really need to be committed to one side of the other. I’m committed to the short side but Intraday I can also go long as long as I’m flat by the end of the day. I am going to be hosting a webinar on ‘’An Investor’s Guilty Little Secret.’’ You’re going to love this when you see this thing is going to be Thursday, February 15th at 7:00 PM Eastern. That’s really cool. They’ve got a scanning system that spits out the trades and it will spit them out either evening or first thing in the morning. And you know exactly what you’re trading. It’s really cool. I know you’re going to like it. So the webinar is called ‘’An Investor’s Guilty Little Secret.’’ Click CLAIM MY SPOT NOW, Thursday, February 15th at 7:00 PM Eastern. Good luck. Hope it helps. And I’ll see you on the next video. Hubert.  

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