EQIX Bracket Trade

Hubert Senters here. Let’s take a look at EQIX. I’m not even going to pronounce its company name. That’s the symbol. Anyway, bracket trade again through earnings long above $422.57. A short below $399.76. This will be a bracket trade on EQIX. Check your ego at the door and play the price action. This is the follow-up from the webinar that we did last night on the bonds. You should have got a successful fill on the 10 year, the 30 year I did not do. I did the 10 year so I’m going to walk you through the PML so far this morning so got a fill at $121’27.5. And initially I was risking $156 and I bumped that up to lock in $78.13 and currently right now, we’re up $375, $390 depending on which way the tick is floating either up or down so that’s one trade that you can do with bonds and then also the sneak attacks worked on both the 10 year and the 30 year. I didn’t teach you that one last night just because I can’t teach more than one set-up in one webinar and they just get too long but I’ll show you that real quick. So this is a screenshot of the sneak attack so you can see right here. These are the indicators telling you go long entry here, long target and then for the 30 year over here. Come on screen move where you’re supposed to. There you go. That’s what we’re talking about. Here’s another trade entry stop. Target one, target two, target three. And now you’ve got a runner. Now, it is your job to turn this thing into a crockpot trade and manage it accordingly. Good luck. Hope it helps. I’ll see you in the next video. Hubert.

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